Tom Bean Athletics

Staff Directory

staff photo of Steve Fex
Steve Fex

Athletic Director, Head Football Coach

staff photo of Wes Chapman
Wes Chapman

Athletic Coordinator, Head Girls Basketball

Joe McBride

Executive Director of Athletics

Chad Ashlock

Asst. Boys Basketball

staff photo of Sydney Balderrama
Sydney Balderrama

Asst. Volleyball, Asst. Girls Basketball, Asst. Softball

staff photo of Blaze Blain
Blaze Blain

Head Boys Basketball, Head Golf, Asst. Football

staff photo of Ashlie Curtis
Ashlie Curtis

Head Softball, Asst. Volleyball, Asst. Girls Basketball

staff photo of Tanner Dennis
Tanner Dennis

Defensive Coord., Head Track, Asst. Powerlifting

staff photo of Caden Gomez
Caden Gomez

Asst. Football, Asst. Boys Basketball, Asst. Track

Madison Hemenway

Head Cross Country, Asst. Girls Basketball, Asst. Track

staff photo of Ben McAfee
Ben McAfee

Asst. Football, Asst. Boys Basketball, Asst. Track

staff photo of Blaine McBride
Blaine McBride

Offensive Coord., Head Powerlifting, Asst. Track

staff photo of Brian Reed
Brian Reed

Asst. Cross Country, Asst. Baseball

staff photo of Kristen Salazar
Kristen Salazar

Head Volleyball, Asst. Girls Basketball, Asst. Track

staff photo of Austin Stone
Austin Stone

Head Baseball, Asst. Football, Asst. Boys Basketball

staff photo of Zoie Stratton
Zoie Stratton

Asst. Powerlifting, Asst. Track

staff photo of Kyle Wilson
Kyle Wilson

Asst. Volleyball, Asst. Track